More About Us
Cressy Rd Cottage is now
Cressy Road Early Learning
We are pleased to announce new owners and management team at Cressy Road.
We are currently taking enrolments for 2022 for ages 2 to 5 years.
We offer tours to prospective families or you can download an enrolment form. Visit our enrolment page for more information.
Get in touch with us and find out more about the experienced friendly team here at Cressy Road Early Learning.
We aim to guide your child in becoming an effective learner through creating an environment that is challenging and stimulating. The overall aim of our programs are designed to help your child in developing all areas necessary for success now and in later years.
The centre has many policies and rules to reflect legislative requirements and current best practice recommendations. They are written and reviewed in consultation with staff and families using the centre to reflect our philosophy and the needs of our community. These cover policies on child protection, health and safety and the general management of the centre. They are available at the centre in our Parent Policy Handbook – on display in the foyer.
A brief overview of our general policies and procedures (reviewed in February 2019) is as follows:
Arrival and Departure Policy
Children are to be brought in to, and picked up from, the centre by an authorised adult. Children must be signed in and signed out each day.
Rest Time Policy
All children are required to have a rest during the day. However, no child will be forced to sleep. The centre follows Red Nose guidelines for safe sleeping. Parents are required to supply a set of sheets, and a bag (or pillow case) to store them in each day, for their child to sleep on (i.e. top and bottom sheet). Cot sized sheet sets fit our beds well. The beds will be disinfected daily.
Administering Medication
All medication brought to the centre must be handed over to a staff member who will place it in an appropriate cabinet which is not accessible to children. The staff, in accordance with the directions noted by you on the medication form will administer the medication.
Illness, Infectious Diseases and Exclusion
Children who are unwell are not to attend the centre – they will be miserable, and may spread their illness to others. Signs of obviously unwell children are: raised temperatures, runny noses etc. Children with a temperature will not be allowed to attend the centre, nor will children who have been given Panadol or Nurofen prior to coming to the centre. We have an extensive medication / illness policy that we encourage you to read.
Your child’s health is of paramount importance to us.
Please ensure that your child’s immunisations are kept up to date. Children with infectious diseases or children not well enough to undertake normal routine will not be permitted to attend the centre. Parents will be notified if their child becomes sick and may be asked to come and collect their child. If unable to contact parents, the emergency contact phone number will be utilised.
The centre aims to achieve a high standard of hygiene and therefore strict hand washing and drying practices will be followed especially before and after meals, after using the bathrooms and after messy activities. Parents also need to comply with the relevant health and hygiene policy of the centre.
Emergency and Evacuation Procedures
Emergency evacuation procedures will be displayed on the wall in each room and these will be practised every quarter. Fire equipment is checked twice a year and the staff are given professional training on the use of fire equipment.
Staff Development and Training
Staffing ratios and qualifications are governed by Statutory Requirements. It is the aim of our centre to exceed these requirements, and the staff are expected to attend professional in-service training or workshops for continued development.
Volunteers and Students
At different times during the year, students and visitors will be present in the centre for short periods. A staff member is present in the room at these times.
The centre encourages the celebration of your child’s birthday. Ideally, families can bring in cupcakes or muffins as this helps to minimise the spread of germs, with the child only blowing out a candle on their cupcake. Please bring in around 20 muffins / cupcakes for the children to share (no nuts please). If you do bring in a cake, please bring in an individual cupcake for your child to blow out the candle on.
Diversity, Inclusion and Equity
Top Ryde Early Learning welcomes children with additional needs and children of all races, religions and cultures, treating all children with equality, respect and consideration. All children have an equal right to use the centre with our diversity, inclusion and equity policy.
Parent Grievance / Complaints
If you have any concerns regarding the care of your child please talk to the Director, Room Leader or Centre Management. If you like, you can raise your concerns anonymously via our 'communication / suggestions’ box in our foyer. We want to make this the best service for you and your family; we are only too happy to help!
In some instances we may indicate that Top Ryde Early Learning is unable to meet the needs of your family and / or your child. We reserve the right to inform you that we no longer have a place available at our centre, as per Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011 National Quality Standards, last amended August 2010, last reviewed 2016, next review due April 2017. Situations that may result in the Director / Approved Providers asking you to leave the Centre include but are not limited to:
Harassment of educators.
Expectations that cannot reasonably be met.
Highly distressed children whose inability to settle into the centre causes ongoing disruption to other children and/or educators.
Continued late pick-up of children.
Continued late payment of fees.
Ongoing unacceptable behaviour of children/parents.
Continued non-adherence to Centre policies and/or government regulations.
As per our Priority of Access Policy.
In instances where we terminate your child’s position we will inform the Department of Education and Community Services. We will, if directed by the Department of Education and Community Services, keep your child in the Centre in short term ‘emergency care’ until suitable care is found.
The Approved Providers/ Nominated Supervisor / Director will ensure that this policy is maintained and implemented at all times.
For all enquiries, please contact Nicole on (02) 9807 1726 or email us: