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Transition to School

More About Us

Trasitioning to School


Many parents are interested in the skills that children need prior to starting school. Traditionally, the skills required were reading and writing; now schools prefer to teach this once children start school. The NSW Department of Education has developed a list of skills that may make starting school a bit easier.


Our program allows children to develop these skills, by exploring topics that interest them.


Please don’t hesitate to talk to our staff if you have any questions.



Personal/Social Skills:

  • Adapts to unfamiliar settings and new experiences

  • Can say own name and address

  • Can finish a task and tidies up afterwards

  • Uses the toilet independently

  • Plays co-operatively with other children – shares and takes turns

  • Can sit and listen to a story for a few minutes

  • Is curious about the world

  • Can share an adult’s attention with several children

  • Participates in imagination play


  • Talks to other people about familiar objects and events

  • Answers and asks simple questions

  • Makes needs known

  • Follows simple instructions

  • Uses books for enjoyment or looking at pictures

  • Identifies pictures in books, magazines, on television or video

  • Uses a variety of things (pens, pencils, textas, paint brushes) to draw, to scribble or to write

  • Joins in singing familiar songs

Physical Skills

  • Uses scissors to cut along a straight line

  • Enjoys a variety of indoor and outdoor play

  • Can put on and take off jumpers, shoes and socks independently

  • Makes and designs things using a variety of materials

Mathematical Skills

  • Recognised that numbers can be used to count

  • Uses words like ‘many’, ‘a lot’, ‘more’ and ‘less’

  • Identifies things in a group that are different

  • Sees differences in shapes

  • Differentiates between opposites, such as up and down, under and over, in front and behind, night and day


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